Do you have a specific memory that stands out in your mind when you were young?
"Not necessarily, yet I do not remember a lot from when I was younger."
How is your life different from your parents or grandparents?
"Back then they were born in a time that didn't have the technology and all the opportunities that I have today."
What traditions from the past do you still continue to practice?
"I don't really do any of that spiritual ceremony stuff but it is a very common thing for young women to have Sunrise dances and sometimes our family has participated."
What was your impression on having your photograph taken?
"I thought it was a very great opportunity and it was a great experience."
What do you see for the future?
"I just see a lot of opportunity in the future and I hope I will be able to do a lot of different things."
Given name: Elizabeth "Gracie" Miles
Date of birth: February 13, 1991
Place of birth: Globe, Arizona
Tribe: San Carlos Apache
Year photographs were taken: 1999, 2001