We Walk in Beauty

Carrie Reede, Apache

Carrie Reede

Do you have a specific memory that stands out in your mind when you were young?
"Eating marshmallows. My mom use to buy me a big box of marshmallows."

How is your life different from your parents or grandparents?
"I don't have to herd sheep like my grandma. We have running water. And I'm different from my mom because I don't have to cook and I don't sew."

What traditions from the past do you still continue to practice?
"I still can wear an Apache camp dress!

What was your impression on having your photograph taken?
"I felt it was cool! It was neat because we got to do different pictures and take photos with my cousins."

What do you see for the future?
"Navy, Army and Marines. I seriously want to be a Marine. Or maybe art school."

Five Apache Girls (Elizabeth 'Gracie' Miles, Mya Kitcheyan, Carrie Reede, Sirianna Shaw (kneeling) Rebekah Miles) Apache Stream (Cecelia Miles, Denise Anderson, Carrie Reede, Elizabeth 'Gracie' Miles, Rebekah Miles) Apache Girls on Hillside (Carrie, Rebekah, and Elizabeth)

Given name: Carrie Reede
Date of birth: June 30, 1988
Place of birth: Phoenix, Arizona
Tribe: San Carlos Apache
Year photographs were taken: 1999, 2001