In our office chiropractic treatment consists of Spinal Manipulative therapy (SMT) using torque release technique
(TRT) for the cervical and thoracic spine, SacroOccipital Technique (SOT) for the Lumbo/Sacral spine and
Neuromuscular re-education therapy (NMRE) is utilized to improve and maintain soft tissue integrity, muscular
balance and mobility. Home care consists of heat and old therapies and a 12 move Straighten-Up exercise program
performed 2 times per day.
Explanation of Treatments:
Torque Release Technique (TRT):
An adjusting technique using an adjusting instrument (called an integrator) which is a chiropractic treatment method
and device created as an alternative to manual hand adjusting. The device is categorized as a mechanical force
manual assisted (MFMA) instrument which is generally regarded as a softer chiropractic treatment technique. In
addition to a direct pulse, it provides clockwise and counter clockwise torque. The integrator is a small handheld
spring-loaded instrument which delivers a small impulse to the spine. It is found to give off no more than 0.3 J of
kinetic energy in a 10-millisecond pulse. The aim is to produce enough force to move the vertebrae but not enough
to cause injury
Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT):
The main corrective mechanisms employed in the correction of a Low Back Pelvic subluxation are pelvic blocks
and hands-on adjusting techniques. The specificity and flexibility of SOT allows the chiropractor to choose either
low force or standard HVLA adjusting techniques based on the needs and condition of the patient. SOT
acknowledges the various forms and implications of nervous system dysfunction, including: structural,
dural/meningeal, viscersomatic, and tonal subluxations by addressing each of these specifically in its adjusting
protocols and procedures. There are three fundamental categories of pelvic misalignment.
Category II involves instability of the sacro-iliac joint causing a dysfunctional relationship between the sacrum and
its corresponding ilium. The sacroiliac weight-bearing whole body pattern of imbalance causes proprioceptive
compromise due to loss of the body to maintain itself against gravity.
Neuro-muscular Re-education (NMRE):
The aim of NMRE is to locate and remove soft tissue blockages that manifest as pain or dysfunction. The
practitioner accomplishes this by locating the blockages through skilled palpation and then applies a focused
pressure at different tissue depths. The blockages reflect hyperactive, hypoactive or aberrant neural state of activity.
Other modalities utilized are deep pressure to remove trigger points, rocking of the area to facilitate movement and
relaxation, stretching, deep massage and improving range of motion of the involved joints.
Home Therapy Exercises:
Developed at the World Health Organization, the Straighten-Up exercise program is a set of 12 moves. It takes less
than 5 minutes to perform and is utilized two times per day. It includes left and right trunk rotations, left and right
trunk flexion, scapular rotations, lunges, upper extremity abduction and adductions, upper and lower cervical
massage techniques and is intended to improve fall prevention.